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Parent Night

Posted on Tue, Sep 18, 2012

Meet the teacher night!

October 3rd at 6PM will be a time for parents to come in and meet their child's teacher. The teacher will go over the classroom routine, answer questions, and give you some time to look around the room. We will have formal one on one conferences in November. We ask that parents wait until that time to speak with your child about your child's progress. Rest assured if there are any concerns prior to conferences we will get in touch with you immediately.

At 6:45 we will invite you all upstairs to enjoy some coffee and dessert. This will give you all a chance to meet other families in your child's class. The evening will end no later then 8PM. 


Please remember this is a parent only event. We understand that it may be hard for some families but we have found this night runs best with just adults.


We look forward to seeing you all there.