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Halloween Update

Posted on Tue, Oct 29, 2013

Hi All
A couple of reminders about Halloween

1. THERE IS NO AFTERCARE- all of the children will need to be picked up by 3- we will be leaving right away so there will be no access to the building.
2. If your child's costume requires extra accessories we ask that you do not send those items in. In the past children lost parts to their costume and a few others left them here and we were unable to let the parents back in the building for the pieces.
3. If your child does not attend school that day and you want them to come in for the party please bring them to their class at 1045 and you can pick them up after the parade at 11:30. All of the children will be brought back to their class after the parade and parents can take them from there. Please make sure the teacher or assistant is aware that you are taking your child.
4. If you are sending in goody bags for the class we ask that you do not put individual names on the bag only a note that it is from your child.
5. ALL goody bags are sent home- we are not responsible for what parents send in and we encourage you to go threw the bags at home.
6. If you are sending in treats for the party please bring them in at drop -off on Thursday or earlier- label your platters, bowls, containers etc....
7. Full day children will need a change of clothes for after the parade and a small lunch.......
8. Children who attend school that day should wear their costume to school
9. Children with documented allergies are will not be permitted to eat any foods unless they are supplied by their parent- please send in treats for them so they can enjoy with the rest of the children.
10. Only those parents chosen to stay for the party will be permitted upstairs.
11. During the parade please refrain from taking your child out of their group! It gets a little chaotic in the back and we want to keep all the kids safe. Parents are NOT able to walk with their child.
12. Miss Anita and Miss Jenn's classes will not be taking part in the parade or party... they will do something in their class but only with the children that attend on Thursday - the little guys get too overwhelmed.
Enjoy your day and thank you again for all the support