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Posted on Mon, Mar 3, 2014

Take a look at what we did in JUMPBUNCH Friday






This week in JumpBunch we played


Go Rangers! Go Islanders! Go Team Bright Beginnings! We had a bunch of all stars in our classes this week. We introduced the children to hockey. We handed out child friendly foam hockey sticks to all the kids and showed them the proper hand placement on the sticks. Then we practiced our sweeping motion, moving the stick back and forth across the room, keeping the foot of the stick on the ground. The kids had a blast trying to sweep their ball across the room.


Suddenly a volcano of hockey pucks erupted and balls and pucks flew all over the room, QUICK, the children had to sweep all the balls and pucks back into the volcano! OH NO! It erupted again! The kids LOVED the volcano game and after awhile they got quite good at sweeping the balls into the volcano!


Of course Hockey is nothing without teaching the kids a “slap shot”! They shoot, they score……..everyone scores in JumpBunch. So much fun teaching the kids HOCKEY today. Street hockey, Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, whatever type of hockey, it’s all fun!