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November News!

Posted on Fri, Oct 26, 2012

Dear Parents,

Wow!!! October has been a very busy month. November is gearing up to be just as busy. Please take a look at the information below and mark your calendars for this upcoming month.

  1. Halloween Party on October 31st at 10:45. If your child does not attend school that day we ask that you drop them off in costume at their class at 10:45. Our parade will be in the back parking lot at 11:30. Please remember not to remove a child from their group. It is a little overwhelming for them with so many people watching. All children will need to be picked up from their classroom if they are not full day children. (Please see Miss Anita for specifics about her classes participation)
  2. If your child has noted food allergies they will only be able to eat what you send in that day. If you would like to put together a “party bag” of goodies we will keep it aside for them.
  3. If you would like to send in goodies for the class (candy bags, little pencils etc…..) we ask that you do not put specific names on each bag for the individual children in the class. Please give them to the classroom teacher or assistant and they will put them in the cubbies. We will NOT be giving out any items that are placed in the cubbies during the day they will be sent home for each family to go through.
  4. On November 1st we will post outside of the class the items we will be collecting to create our Thanksgiving Baskets for those in our community who are less fortunate. Please send all items in no later than November 16th. We will also be collecting non-perishable items for the local food pantry. A box will be in my office for all items. You do not have to wait until the last day you can bring them in as you get them.
  5. December will be our coat drive we will collect gently used or new coats (adults and childrens) to distribute to the local shelters.
  6. We will also continue our tradition of our Toy Drive beginning in December. Please new toys only and the ages that are targeted are birth to 15 years old.
  7. Our Pre-K Thanksgiving Show will be on November 20th at 11AM in the Parish Hall. This event is for Miss Karen, Miss Desiree, Miss Kerry, and Miss Brittany’s classes only. Children that do not attend school that day are asked to come in at 10:50 to their classes. We will then invite parents to join their children in their class for a little snack.
  8. Our school Thanksgiving Feast will be Monday, November 19th at 11AM in the Parish Hall. This is for all of our friends to join us to celebrate the season. We will be asking for parent volunteers to come in and help set up, prepare the food, and clean up after. If your child does not attend school that day please have them join us at 10:50 in their class and they will need to be picked up at 11:30 from their class.
  9. If you have not done so already we ask that you become familiar with our new website at We are posting all of our events there. Teachers are also posting their weekly wrap-up on the site with great pictures too!
  10. Cookie dough will be in on the 15th by 3PM. It will need to be picked up before 4. We do not have room to store any cookie dough. Thank you for your support of this fundraiser.
  11. Our 2013-2014 registration is underway and extremerely busy. If you need a particular schedule it is important that you get your paperwork in ASAP. Classes are already close to being completely full and it may be difficult to accommodate your scheduling needs if paperwork is not sent in soon. Our ½ day three year old and 2 ½ year old class is limited on Tues/Thurs already. If you have friends that would like to join our school please encourage them to call soon as we have already started the new family waitlist for next fall. We will fill that list once all current families are enrolled or by February 1st whichever comes first.


Thank you in advance!