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Yearbook Excitement

Posted on Tue, Mar 25, 2014

Hi All
We are finalizing our plans for our first ever Bright Beginnings Yearbook
The book will feature all of the children but we will give PRE-k parents and businesses the opportunity to add messages to the book for their child.
The parent/grandparents ads will allow you to include a message, pictures etc....... The business ads will be priced the same
We anticipate the book being under $35
The ads will be
$25 for 1/4 page
$50 for a 1/2 page
$75 for a full page
Once we get the form together you will be sending the ads directly to Jessica our photographer who will be putting the book together
on April 23 we will need all of the PRE-K children in (even if they do not come in that day) at 9:15 for a group graduation picture and individual graduation pictures (these can be purchased if you would like in a package)
On April 22nd we will have a Family Graduation pictures and these packages can be purchased...... this is by appointment only and will begin at 5PM
If you would like to set up an appointment for family graduation pictures you can start doing that now we anticipate the last appointment should be at 7PM These pictures will be taken here
The pictures will include your child in their cap and gown
We will be sending home forms for all of these items but we wanted you to mark you calendars and know what we are planning

The last day for the ads is MAY 9TH that is a firm date..............