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  • Bright Starters Program

    Children must be 18 months by September 1st 

    Thank you for your interest in our Bright Starters Program.  Whether you need a full time program or a half- day schedule our Bright Starters are a pleasure to have in school.


    Does my child have to be potty trained?

    They do not need to be potty trained for our program.  We will however work with families when they begin to train their child.

    Do I need to supply snacks?

    No, we will provide snack for our friends. If your child is a full day friend you will need to supply lunch. We do not heat up any food please make sure to pack ice packs in their lunch box.

    Do the children nap?

    Our full day Bright Starters do take naps after lunch each day. Full day children will need to bring in a crib sheet and blanket that will be sent home at the end of each week for cleaning unless they need to be sent home sooner.

    My child puts everything in his mouth. How do you keep the room clean?

    While we cannot get rid of all the germs we do have a “yuck” bucket for toys that children put in their mouths which is cleaned each day.  Teachers and children wash their hands constantly and gloves are used for diapering.  We try our best to keep the germs out but that does not always happen. 

    What will my child learn in this group?

     For many of our young friends this is the first time they have been away from mom and dad on their own.  We will help to foster friendships, use gentle hands, and kind words. Academically we will introduce circle time, projects, and group activities and read alouds.  We will focus on shapes, colors, and recognizing the letters in our name.